Το πιο πολυτελές πλωτό σπίτι στον κόσμο

Mr Grotti crafted a vessel that recreated the feel of a houseboat but with a much more contemporary spin than seen elsewhere

Rather than the standard flat-bottom houseboats Mr Grotti's team designed the boat to have two hulls for increased stability, speed and comfort

After two years of development the company has just launched two models - a 44ft standard boat and a more luxurious 54ft version - with plans for a deluxe 64ft boat in the pipeline

Prices for the three-cabin Overblue 44 start at £240,000, cheaper than a small studio flat in London, but buyers can expect to fork out at least £600,000 for the top spec 64ft model

Each boat can be customised to the client's own taste with a host of optional extras including an electric sun visor, a 'smart' system that monitors every aspect of the boat from one screen

The versatile yacht can be used as a home, weekend escape, an apartment on the sea, a working office or a charter boatΔείτε την επόμενη ή προηγούμενη σελίδα πατώντας τα νούμερα

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