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David Jenkins Polar Bear Pics

David Jenkins

PIC BY DAVID JENKINS / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: A Polar bear with its cubs) – These adorable images of new born polar bears are bound to warm the hearts of even the biggest Ba-humbugs this Christmas. The stunning collection of photographs, taken over the space of ten years, manage to capture the tender bond between both mother and child as they emerge from their den for the very first time. But this photo opportunity isnt just available to anyone, photographer David Jenkins, 42, had to first apply for a special permit to enter the denning area in Wapusk National Park, Canada, an opportunity only given to the most accomplished of wildlife photographers. Whether they are hitching a ride on mums back, playing in the snow, or coming in close for a cuddle, Irish photographer David, managed to show a softer side to the huge polar predators. But if the experience wasnt special enough, David even managed to capture such magical moments as seeing a mother with three surviving cubs, a sight rarely scene in the wild, as well as a mother and cub snuggling in front of a gorgeous winter sunset. SEE CATERS COPY.

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