Liberian detainee in Wisconsin jail being monitored for Ebola


The Kenosha County Jail in Wisconsin is taking precautions and monitoring a female detainee for signs of the Ebola virus, according to a report.

It’s important to note that the detainee has NOT SHOWN signs of the virus.

The Kenosha County Sheriff’s office confirmed with FOX6 News that a Liberian woman arriving from O’Hare International Airport entered the jail on Wednesday, October 8 at 1 AM. Officials realized the woman was from Liberia once they began screening her.

Liberia is just one country in West Africa hit hard with the Ebola outbreak.

Looking for Ebola symptoms with help from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, medical staff at the jail is monitoring the Liberian detainee twice a day.

According to FOX6 News, “The Kenosha County Jail does house detainees for immigration officials on a regular basis — so that’s not unusual.”

Also, “This immigration detainee is expected to be deported back to her home country shortly. As for how she got into this country or why she’s being sent back — we do not have the answers for that yet. The Federal Department of Customs and Border Protection has not replied to FOX6 News emails.”

The news comes on the same day lawmakers announced an additional layer of Ebola screening would begin at New York’s JFK International, as well as the international airports in Newark, Washington Dulles, Chicago and Atlanta.

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