Σκηνές χάους από την Τουρκία…
Σύμφωνα με όσα δηλώνει κυβέρνηση του Σουλτάνου, οι νεκροί μέχρι στιγμής είναι 108 ενώ ο αριθμός των επιβεβαιωμένων κρουσμάτων αυξήθηκε κατά 1.704 και έφτασε τα 7.402.
Πληροφορίες αναφέρουν ότι οι νεκροί και τα κρούσματα είναι πολύ παραπάνω από αυτά που παρουσιάζουν κρύβοντας την πραγματική αλήθεια απο τον ίδιο τους το λαό και την παγκόσμια κοινότητα.
Απέναντί του ο λαός που αρχίζει να τον αμφισβητεί με τις τακτικές που ακολουθεί.
Πριν από δύο εβδομάδες, η Τουρκία εμφανίζονταν χαρούμενη και σίγουρη για την περιορισμένη εξάπλωση του κορωνοϊού στη χώρα.
Τώρα όμως, οι Τούρκοι φαίνεται να δυσπιστούν απέναντι στην κυβέρνησή τους
«Αυτόπτες μάρτυρες κάνουν λόγο για 500 νεκρούς τη μέρα στη Τουρκία».
Φτιάχνουν νεκροταφεία στην Τουρκία για τα θύματα του κοροναϊού
Το Twitter έχει γεμίσει με βίντεο που δείχνουν σε τι κατάσταση είναι η χώρα απο τον Κοροναϊό
#BREAKING: news video
Eyewitnesses are reporting 400 to 500 people died from #coronavirus in #Turkey, only in one day ( English subtitled report )while Turkey has arrested 600 people for posts on social media about the #COVID19 &
says only 92 people have died from #Virus pic.twitter.com/py7jBABBkF— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
2/original video
Eyewitnesses reporting 400 to 500 people died from #coronavirus in #Turkey,only in 1 day✅ In Turkey situation is out of control
✅gov is hiding the real numbers [of cases] #coronavirus
✅The gov is making propaganda to show that the process is being managed pic.twitter.com/AJ6DGY7gC6— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
Turkey’s hidden coronavirus cases threaten to overwhelm hospitals☑️ situation of #COVID19 is out of control
☑️Eyewitnesses reporting 400 to 500 people died from #coronavirus in #Turkey,only in 1 day
☑️ gov is making propaganda to show that the process is being managed pic.twitter.com/dfNBLvYIfD— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
Eyewitnesses are reporting 400 to 500 people died from #coronavirus in #Turkey,only in 1 daywhile Turkey has arrested 600 people for posts on social media about the #COVID19 &
says only 92 people have died from #Virusvideo via @zagros8880 from the city of Mardin pic.twitter.com/jyADzlhvDG
— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
5/ video Evidence :
#Turkey’s #Erdogan regime hides truth about #coronavirus,only to save Tourism industry.Watch the video from #Istanbul
✅unconscious person inside the train
☑️truck transferring Hundreds of coffins to the hospital#BREAKING #NEWS
pic.twitter.com/ncAUEGcYDH— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
#Turkey #Erdogan‘s regime still hiding the truth on #Coronavirus Death Toll & Trendsvideo shows ⤵️#Turkish truck transferring Hundreds of coffins to the hospital that is dealing with #coronavirus patients in #Turkey.
— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
7/ #Leaked
A 21-year-old woman from #Batman,#Turkey was taken to Dicle University Hospital on March 6 due to #Coronavirus and died 7 days later on March 13.
The #Turkish Ministry of Health had said that the first death due to #Corona #virus was an 89-year-old woman on March 18! pic.twitter.com/0nSdG2jvnF— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
1-Turkey hiding #COVIDー19 deaths
2-Erdoğan secretly has taken a coronavirus test
3-Hospitals name & locations that dealing with #coronavirus in Turkey is highly classified
4-Erdogan Media falsely claims,Turkish genes protect Turkey from viruspic.twitter.com/VF9Bqg5w7i— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
Current situation In Turkey Hospitals
80 years old patient after surgery inside Turkey Hospitalvia @ikramcan13 #BREAKING #amnesty #HumanRights #Hospital #CoronaLockdown #CoronaUpdate #VirusChines #Erdogan #italy #italia #france #germany #America #NewsAlert pic.twitter.com/41W8hrH1Cz
— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
11/#BREAKING #Leaked video
Hundreds of people have died from #Coronavirus in #TurkeyA lady who recorded the video says
its shame that corrupt Turkish gov hiding all this from the world
at the end of video,Turkish gov officials attacking
the lady & asking her not to record it pic.twitter.com/9F2lWrxL8t— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020
2/ original #leaked video
Hundreds of people have died from #Coronavirus in #Turkey
A lady who recorded the video says
its shame that corrupt Turkish gov hiding all this from the world
at the end of video,#Turkish gov officials attacking
the lady & asking her not to record it pic.twitter.com/HVogSr0Udq— Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) March 28, 2020