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Buffalo Battles Hungry Lion

SOUTH LUANGA NATIONAL PARK, ZAMBIA – SEPTEMBER: The wounded lion licks his injuries after the bloody fight, September, 2014, in the South Luanga National Park, Zambia.
A DETERMINED buffalo fights off a hungry lion in a bloody battle to the death. The horned animal wrestled with the fearsome predator for an hour in the South Luangwa National Park, Zambia. As the strong animals clashed, it soon became apparent that neither would walk away from the fight unscathed, as the buffalo gored the big cat with its sharp horns and the lion sunk its claws and teeth into its prey. Matt Armstrong-Ford, 25, from Eastbourne, who works for Shenton Safaris as a guide and camp manager, came across the bloody scene with the lionís hooked onto the female buffaloís muzzle.
PHOTOGRAPH BY Matt Armstrong-Ford / Barcroft Media
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